What is …?
Spicy Serondeng is a Malaysian spicy fried coconut flake, which is made from sautéing grated coconut and is often used as a side dish to accompany rice.
Spicy serondeng can be mixed with meat in dishes such as serundeng daging (beef serundeng), sprinkled on top of other dishes such as Soto soup, ketupat or covering all over ketan.
Lontong is an Indonesian dish made of compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder wrapped inside a banana leaf, commonly found in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Rice is rolled inside a banana leaf and boiled, then cut into small cakes as a staple food replacement of steamed rice.
In Malaysia, beef serundeng usually tastes rather sweet because of the generous addition of coconut sugar, and it is commonly associated with Javanese cuisine. Serundeng fried coconut flakes as sprinkled dry condiment are also found in Betawi cuisine of Jakarta, and Makassar cuisine of South Sulawesi, usually applied upon soto, ketan, or burasa (rice in banana leaf cooked in coconut milk).
In Malaysia, the term serunding refers to meat floss instead, it can be mixed with grated coconut or not. While in Indonesia, meat floss is called abon, and serundeng is clearly referred to as spiced and sauteed grated coconut.
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