Banana chips are deep-fried or dried, generally crispy slices of bananas. They are usually made from firmer, starchier banana varieties like the Saba and Nendran cultivars. They can be sweet or savoury and can be covered with sugar, honey, salt, or various spices.
The reason these chips are so tasty — and you cannot stop after eating just one — is because they are essentially dried-and-fried fine slices of bananas. Before being fried, these chips are coated with sugar syrup, salt and some spices which enhance the taste.
Banana chips are best stored in an airtight container or zip bag for up to a week. If they last that long! You can also season them with salt or a dash of cinnamon, making this snack even better.
Frying Banana Chips
When the oil is medium hot, add the slices and fry on medium heat. don’t overcrowd.
Stir with a slotted spoon so that the slices don’t stick to each other.
Fry till you see the sizzling & bubbles in the oil becoming less and less and almost disappearing.
The slices would have changed colour and become crisp also.
Remove the fried banana chips with a slotted spoon and then drain on paper towels.
When they are cooled, immediately place them in an airtight jar or a container and cover the lid tightly.
Fry the remaining raw slices in batches in a similar manner.
When all the banana chips are done and inside the jar, then sprinkle salt and pepper in the jar. Shake the jar.
Serve them whenever you or your family wants them.
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